The Real Dry Season? July August 2016

Another Day, Another Dollar! July and August were spent working a lot. With the casino nearby we made our first of a couple stops there. The Sky City Casino was a small one compared to Chumash back home. Tally at the night; Audrey: -$30, Ben: -$5, Junior: +$185. Roulette, it’s the way to go and give love to the 0’s. Although Ben didn’t cash in at the casino, he scored working Greek Carnival employed by the same carnival family from a month before. He Georged his way, to getting us closer to goal of a Food Truck.

On what was my last day working at the restaraunt, all three,(Audrey, Ben and myself) agreed to go out in town. Ben and I stayed working until Midnight and wanted to visit the Casino instead. Along the way we picked up a drunken Audrey, who proclaimed she can still ride her bicycle. And some how she was able to, For a while. A hard fall off the bike convinced her she was too happy off of life to do so. A nice couple gave us a lift with our bicycles and dropped us off at home. Ben became the doctor and I became a journalist.


When there was time to eat together, we still made bomb food. At last, we had a dinner party in the Tipi. Barbecued some vegies, beans, rice and fresh made tortillas a Mexican  Feast. Great times, and our friend Alex played some amazing Folk Tunes with her Violin “Gloria“, I recall the name. It was simply amazing, the sound and feel she gives off.

All three of us asked for days to pay visit to Kakadu National Park. Spent 3 days there, that we’re simply spectacular. The Gunlom Falls was the top moment of the park. A quick hike there with a delicious watermelon in hand, we chose a little hideaway and exploring we went. The rocks were simply directing up the falls on the rock and though the water, found some beautiful swim holes and a wall of small new frogs. Another full moon on our trips, that lit up the park at night. Lately, as we go on trips its during the Full Moon Cycle. We’ve had quite a few while in the Outback, it has been keeping us from witnessing the Amazing Light Show Australia’s sky puts on.


Over the weeks and trips to  BCF, we gathered equipment for our food truck. We also learned same as a year to the date, we have to find a new flat. Audrey was able to score us our next home. A former Australian Tour Guide Adam, along with his friend Damo who did Jumping Croc Tours. Now that I(Junior) wasn’t working at Char, I did as before, collected the food from the cafe I worked and gave it out to the Hungry People. Not homeless  because that I am. People simply have a look on their face and vibes they give off, that mean there’s hunger in the tummy. Also I knew where the backpackers were, Mindil Beach. At times, it was a full crate of sandwiches, bagels, muffins, cookies that simply get thrown away. That is the Sad Truth in the food business, but I want to change that. So I take whatever food is edible, that will be thrown away, and find it a home. People are dying of hunger, Don’t order more than you can eat.

The day we moved was a great FRESH start, new people, new vibes and a boat cruise from the Boss Lady of work. Ben and I, after moving all our stuff, 3 trips, went on “The Hangover Cruise II”. Fancy Dressed People but with some of my workmates, we made the best of it. Danced on the dance floor and tangoed with the waves as it made the boat rock. The party didn’t stop until Ben dropped to the grass floor.

Bare Sand Island, gave me one of the most beautiful moments in my life. This Island is home to Leatherback Turtles, who come and lay their eggs there. I along with Robbie, went on a cruise there to witness the mother turtles come up shore all the way to the Sand Dunes and lay their eggs. It’s Nature at its best! Seeing a few Moms lay the eggs and bury them  I completely forgot of the ideal, those eggs Hatch. On the walk back a nest of turtles just hatched and were running to the Ocean. It was a race to Survive, and they were fast and cute. Aboard the boat, facing the horizon, witnessed the moon rise yet again. People talk about sunrises, I suggest watching a Moon Rise, its out of this world. Around this time, Ben finally got fed up with Char and learned the grass is definitely greener on the other side, especially in this situation.

The next month, we finally got the opportunity to all go on a cruise with Damo and Adam. Still drunk from the night before, woke up early to buy snacks and aboard the tour bus with the housemates. Along the way, there was a hitch hiker going East, we picked him up and took him on the tour. Off to see crocodiles at the Adelaide River, it was going back in time. Nothing around, merky brown water, hawks screeching and the scent of chicken brought the crocodiles to us. At one point, there was a 5 metre Croc, nearly as long as the boat. We followed it to the bank and there we got to see the size difference of this Massive Beast. Some Red Rock face paint took place and away we went to swim at Berry Springs without crocodile infested water. With the others and the few things we bought, we cooked up some Magical Tasting Mushrooms, very colourful and tasty. If you Barbecue, you can never go wrong with marinated mushrooms. Chop up what ever vegetables, herbs you have, a little oil and spices, mix them in a bowl with the mushrooms. The longer they sit the better the taste. Now just pot them on the Barbie and let the heat do the rest of the job.


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